Solving our industry’s LOTO challenges:
A discussion with BASF, SABIC and Voovio.

In this on-demand webinar, we discussed together with David Mihalik (EHS Hub Director at Geismar, BASF) and Brock Ryan (Director, Site Operations at SABIC’s largest US site, Mount Vernon) how we can solve our industry’s LOTO challenges.

Brock Ryan (Director, Site Operations at SABIC’s largest US site, Mount Vernon)

(Director, Site Operations at SABIC’s largest US site)

Dave Mahilik: EHS Hub Director, Geismar, BASF

EHS Hub Director at Geismar, BASF

Fran Montemurro Director of operations at Voovio

Director of Operations at Voovio

Clint Jeffus Director of Operations at Voovio

Director of Operations at Voovio

In this interactive session Fran Montemurro (former DuPont Plant Manager) and Clint Jeffus (former BASF Sr. Operations Manager) were joined by our panel experts David Mihalik (EHS Hub Director at Geismar, BASF) and Brock Ryan (Director, Site Operations at SABIC’s largest US site, Mount Vernon).

Key takeaways of the webinar:

  • We looked at what the challenges around LOTO are and what the industry has already done to try minimize them.
  • Brock and David shared many personal stories from their industry experience around LOTO challenges. 
  • Both shared thoughts on what ‘Effective Training’ is for them.
  • Brock and David both gave insights on how they know their employees actually ‘Know and Understand’.
  • We discussed the question ‘Who is accountable for auditing performance’ in the LOTO context.
  • David explained how they handle it when a LOTO violation is found, to avoid future violations from being ‘covered up’.”

To see the whole webinar for yourself, you can watch the video below: