Voovio to join PetroChem Canada West from 29 – 30 March 2023

We’re excited to share that the Voovio team will be exhibiting and presenting at the PetroChem Canada West from 29 – 30 March 2023 in Calgary, Alberta!
Why attend?
Alberta is the largest refining and petrochemical cluster in Canada, thanks to its abundant feedstock resources and transportation systems. New and existing operators are taking advantage of Alberta’s energy resources and new government incentive programs to build new facilities and expand operations, making Alberta a global hotspot for petrochemical and refining investment and growth. PetroChem Canada West brings together the western Canadian petrochemical, chemical, emerging biochemical manufacturers to discuss the opportunities to expand and further develop a sustainable downstream sector in Alberta.
What are Voovio’s contributions?
Expanding operations and growing Petrochemical and refining facilities, however, also create a need for more skilled workers. This brings us to a major industry challenge, which is growing every day: The Skills Gap. Plants are challenged in recruiting, onboarding and maintaining an effective workforce. The traditional way of onboarding new hires and relying on a few SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) on critical operations is not working. Knowledge Automation, deployed by the world’s biggest companies, is proven to solve this challenge, leading to safer, more productive operations.
We will show real examples and data on how Voovio’s Knowledge Automation Platform will:
- Capture & transfer critical operator knowledge
- Make onboarding efficient and effective
- Reduce unplanned events
- Increase revenues
- Prevent operations personnel being overwhelmed
When? 2:15 pm – 2:45 pm on March 29
Who? Francis Montemurro, Operations Director & Michael Brendel, Account Manager
In case you can’t make it, you can meet us at our booth to learn more about our Knowledge Automation Platform.
29th – 30 th March 2023
Calgary Westin Airport, 671 Aero Drive NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7Y5
Looking forward to seeing you there!